Your Sessions:
You will learn different advanced training techniques.
You will train with a variety of different equipment.
I will hand pick the most beneficial exercises to teach you and will ensure your form is correct at all times.
At the end of each session I will personally stretch you off to prevent excessive aching the following days.
I can take photos, measure key areas, weigh you and measure your body composition to keep track of progress.
Your Nutrition:
I am here to offer advice and discuss your nutritional needs.
I do not believe in diet plans or short term weight loss fixes.
You will eat REAL food and we will devise a maintainable and realistic guide to fuel you for your training and new healthier life style
Prices for One on One Personal Training:
10 x 1 hour sessions £600
10 x 45 min sessions £450
10 x 30 min sessions £350
I also offer joint Personal Training sessions; please contact me for details if this is something that might interest you.